People Ops Challenges of Web3, and How to Conquer Them


The term ‘web3.0’ was first used by Gavin Wood, a co-founder of Ethereum. As Wood saw it, the history of the internet could be clearly partitioned into three eras including web3. While web2 (which was the current era at the moment) needed every user to put a certain level of trust in centralized corporations, web3 would bring about decentralization and complete control over one’s information and finances.

As of 2022, Wood’s web3 is in full swing. We have blockchain-powered social media apps and financial services, cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity with over 320 million users worldwide, and NFTs are the need of the hour. Now, as the internet has changed, it’s only fair that the employees’ needs would also be changing with the new organizational structures.

How to Face the New Challenges Web3 Brings in People Ops?

The web3 space has been flourishing in recent years; 2021 alone saw over 18,000 monthly active developers committing code in open source crypto and web3 projects– this made up 65% of the entire number of active developers in the space.

Chart of web3 monthly active developers since 2009

In the evolving digital landscape, how can we, as People Ops operatives, enable web3 employees to assemble around causes affecting them within the organizations they are helping build?

Within Talent Acquisition Functions:

  • When it comes to streamlining the recruitment process, we as web3 professionals should be working within the framework of NFTs and making full use of the exclusive benefits, with searchable and verifiable credentials, references, work history that validates skills, and proof of contributions to various projects and organizations. This would make hiring processes more efficient, and cost very little time.
  • In web3, where we are hiring entirely remotely with little to no built-in processes, giving equal opportunities to talent coming from a diverse set of geographies with differing hiring practices can make it difficult for a web3 company to hone in on individuals and verify. This could also be very easily solved with the same NFT tech.

Within Human Resources Functions:

  • In the web3 space, the concept of employment can be changed from a one to one relationship to the workers being more similar to collaborators in a single project than employees of the organization. The gig work model requires those in People Ops to expand to accommodate the new-age workforce.
  • In decentralized and globally-distributed web3 organizations, the voices of each individual member and the community as a whole stand at a risk of being lost. In fact, too many web3 companies suffer from this very issue. Therefore individuals need a dedicated way to voice how they want the organization to be run.

A DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) structure for employees to organize and vote on changes they want to see in the organization is a good way to ensure every voice is heard. This way we can build egalitarian governance into the very core of an organization.

  • As is the demand of web3, globalization is something we should aim to achieve as organizations operating in the sector. Globalization can be accelerated through more cross border economic and social activities, brought on by the reduction of the friction in the technologies and applications we use in web3.
  • While many professionals from all kinds of industries have shifted to remote work during the pandemic, the remote work culture can really be cemented into place with the decentralization of web3. We need to remember the biggest transition stressors for the folks moving to web3 will be adjusting to asynchronous work and collaboration due to the inherent rule of “follow the sun” when it comes to global operations.

Within Web3 in General:

  • Speaking of People Ops challenges in web3, we’re all well aware that this entire sector has a diversity problem. To begin with, women are very underrepresented within the ranks of web3 organizations, projects, and even among the investors within the ecosystem. As is very apparent to us all, leaving about half of the global population out of the picture won’t bring web3 any success.

Finally, we should always be aiming to build long-term value into the web3 platforms we are fabricating. This goes without saying not only for those in People Ops, but every individual operating within the web3 space.

This past year has been riddled with bad actors and projects, and we have ultimately gone into a crypto bear run. I remain optimistic that this much dreaded bear market will prove to do good in the grand scheme of things by flushing out the malicious and fraudulent participants.

If we truly want to build an internet where all users and creators have the full ownership of their digital assets, we’ll need to vote with our money and our time. Let’s not support projects that only aim to take the short way to building value, because as we have seen time and again, they do fall apart in the end. Instead, let’s support platforms that are building utilitarian solutions for the web3 ecosystem and our society in general, and creating value easily accessible and scalable throughout the globe in the process. 

About the author:

Jereme Holiman is VP of People at Shardeum. Previously, he served for 4 years as Co-Founder & VP of People at Clyde Technologies, an insurtech company focused on enabling best-in-class product ownership experiences for brands. Before Clyde he Co-founded and ran operations for UrbanStems, a DTC floral and gifting company. He lives in Southern California with his wife and 2 young sons and is excited about the ambition and promise of the Shardeum project, and looks forward to supporting its growth and launch.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


Image and article originally from Read the original article here.